Being a part of CLEVER°FRANKE means working with a great team at the cutting edge of design and technology. We’re driven to push those boundaries, and ourselves; our curiosity and passion for what we do are what define us.

As does working for a global clientele of top-tier companies like Warner Music Group, Cisco Systems, and Unicef. We’re continuously learning and striving to achieve excellence together.


We strive to be a world-class design and technology studio, always aiming for the highest possible quality of our work and process. We believe diversity in people will contribute to both our work culture and the things we create together. We believe diversity manifests itself in personalities, beliefs, backgrounds and perspectives.

We welcome you at CLEVER°FRANKE regardless of age, religion, gender, type of education, sexual orientation, disability, or any other aspect of identity. It’s not a place you have to ‘fit in’, but somewhere everyone contributes and respects each other.

We actively pursue diversity in personality, gender and nationalities. We do this by stimulating growth towards diversity and making adjustments to processes, culture, or habits. We acknowledge our culture and diversity is a topic that requires continuous improvement and change. We expect everyone to actively contribute to and evolve our values.

Education and well-being are very important to us. We actively encourage your personal development and have quarterly workshops together with the entire team, as well as a coach on hand for additional, daily support. We also visit conferences, attend workshops and follow courses to stay up-to-date on the latest and the greatest.

Our head office is located right in the city center of Utrecht (NL), in the vibrant Voorstraat area. We have an open office with sitting and standing desks, and flexible work schedules. Every day, the team enjoys lunch together in our lunch area/event space and we have regular social events.

Utrecht is centrally located in the Netherlands, only 20 minutes from Amsterdam and the international airport. The historic city is known for the Dom Tower, the highest historical building in the Netherlands, and the city has the largest student population of the country.

Dynamic and lively, Utrecht is second only to Amsterdam in terms of hosting cultural events, and was recently named a must-see city by the Guardian.

Our Chicago office is located on 444 West Lake Street, on the border of the Loop and River North where we are right in the hustle and bustle of the city.

Our values drive the company culture and define how we act to accomplish our mission. Our values act as a framework in our decision-making process and help us bring the best out of ourselves.

We are open
With our down-to-earth and curious attitude, we welcome new perspectives.

We thrive on complexity
With our creative and analytical mindset, we solve any challenge.

We are committed
We care about and invest in our work, colleagues, clients, and society at large.

We pioneer
We love to dive into the unknown and deliver ground-breaking solutions.

Photo of Thomas Clever

Get in touch

If you’d like to learn more about how we can add value to your business, contact Thomas Clever.
+31 6 19 55 29 81

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